Friday, June 27, 2008

Hello, Wall-E!

Last night at midnight I was sitting in a movie theater as lights went down. Forget "Wanted", I was sitting in Theater 7 that was showing "Wall-E" at 12:01am!

Now, I liked the beginning (first 20 minutes or so) but from there on, it was kind of...boring? Wall-E's Hello, Dolly! facination was just hilarious (like the title of this post?). Wall-E and Eve's relationship was so funny and (dare I say it?) cute. All in all, it was something that has never been done before that maybe it's hard for me to get used to but I really didn't like it to much. But if you want comedy, this is the movie for you!

And, after those lights dimmed guess what movie that showed a preview for?


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

July 17, 1955 Special

Now alot of things happened on that day. Little Jimmy got one of his teeth pulled, Suzy might have gone on her first date...who knows? I think the most important thing was...

The opening of Disneyland in Anaheim, California!

First, you may want to visit Daveland Blog. He is also doing a picture special on this special day!

Also, on YouTube you can watch all the opening day activites!

There are 8 parts so if you have some downtime anytime's an interesting watch!

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3!

Part 4...

PART 5!!

Part 6.....

PART 7!!!

and of course...


It is very a very interesting, entertaining watch! Full of corny lines and funny bloopers.

Now, I am very glad that July 17th, 1955 came. Disneyland truly is a "source of joy and inspiration to all the world"

Monday, May 26, 2008

Indy's Still Got the Pepper!

Loved every second of it.
Very fun...corny...but fun and exciting. I loved this movie! It feels like you are getting off of Space Mountain when you leave the movie theater.

But let me expand upon that....

It was great seeing Indy & Marion back together...with their son Henry the 3rd ("Mutt"). It was a really "feel good" dynamic that added a whole lot to the story. I loved all the 50's, all out theming! It was a little corny and fake but if you just go with it and have fun, you're in for a rootin, tootin, wild, fun ride.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

From the group that did the Golden Horshoe event... comes something new!

Apparently, on June 14th @ 4:30pm they are going to be having a movie night with Bob Gurr. They will be screening part of "Meet Bob Gurr Extraordinaire" which will not be released until July. ( There will be a Q&A with this Disney legend and soda and popcorn of course.

It will be in Anaheim...

Holiday Inn
1240 South Walnut
Anaheim, CA 92802
off of Ball road)

So if you're looking for someone to "hang out" with on Saturday, June 14th...why not Bob Gurr?

Info from Neverlandtink on MiceChat...thank you!

Monday, May 19, 2008

You may have seen it, so...

...just in case you have....

Now this is a sureal example of Disney magic....Not to mention Wall-E is so...(dare I say it?) cute!

(Scribbles out the 19th on his countdown to Wall-E...) ;-

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Sorry I haven't been posting lately....but here's why.
(Of course, that's webdings! Can you decipher the secret message?)

Home: A Memoir of My Early Years
by Julie Andrews

Julie Andrew's memoir is wonderful! I am addicted to it! I'm sad at her traumatic childhood but her recounts are awesome and I can't wait to get back to it each day. Go get it.

Walt Disney
by Neal Gabler

One thing...DETAIL! And I love it! I am learning so much about Walt Disney that I didn't know before. This one is strangely addicting to! It is long so you really gotta want to know about Uncle Walt to read it. Don't let that hold you back truly is a great and entertaining read.

Sunday, April 27, 2008


^The word you say when you don't know what to say. What a life saver! ;-) 
Anyways, sorry for the lack of posts!

For now...I found a cool blog where a guy puts down all his plans for his Disneyland Canada. He is a very skilled artist and all his stuff is really cool.

Give it a