Friday, June 27, 2008

Hello, Wall-E!

Last night at midnight I was sitting in a movie theater as lights went down. Forget "Wanted", I was sitting in Theater 7 that was showing "Wall-E" at 12:01am!

Now, I liked the beginning (first 20 minutes or so) but from there on, it was kind of...boring? Wall-E's Hello, Dolly! facination was just hilarious (like the title of this post?). Wall-E and Eve's relationship was so funny and (dare I say it?) cute. All in all, it was something that has never been done before that maybe it's hard for me to get used to but I really didn't like it to much. But if you want comedy, this is the movie for you!

And, after those lights dimmed guess what movie that showed a preview for?


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